Creating new Stamps
Stamp integration tutorial

Submitting a Stamp pull request

This guide is reserved for those partners who have been approved by the Passport team to submit a pull request.

If you haven't been approved yet, please visit the Stamps overview for developers page, and follow the steps there.

Creating a new Stamp involved defining verification logic and adding configuration details to our existing Stamp infrastructure.

We have a standardized format for Stamps and this page will help you to understand all the information you need to provide. The process begins by creating your own copy of our GitHub repository. The instructions on this page will walk you through how to change the codebase to support your Stamp and submit the changes back to the Passport team.

1. Fork the Passport GitHub repository

Whether you want to create an EVM or a non-EVM Stamp, the process begins by forking the Passport GitHub repository. Clone your fork and navigating to the platforms directory.

Here is our GitHub repository (opens in a new tab).

This is the platforms directory (opens in a new tab), located at passport/platforms.

2. Create new files

Adding a Stamp requires you to create some new files inside the platforms/src directory. Inside platforms/src create a new directory and name it according to your Stamp. In the test here we will use the word example.

For example, the following would be an appropriate command for a bash user:

cd platforms/src && mkdir example

Inside example, create the following subdirectories and files:

# files to create inside platforms/src/example:
      |-- example.test.ts
      |-- example.ts

Each of the files you just created has a distinct purpose, as described in the following table:

__tests__/example.test.tsincludes thorough test cases for the Stamp
Providers/example.tsincludes a verify() function that receives a proof and verifies it.
App-bindings.tsCollects all the Stamp data and formats for communication with the Passport server
Providers-config.tsCollects Stamp metadata. For example, icon image, name and description, provider settings
index.tsExports the providers, config and app bindings

You will also need to update some information in existing files in platforms/src but for now we can focus on adding the right information to these newly created files. For the App-bindings.ts file specifically, the instructions are slightly different for EVM and non-EVM Stamps.


Updating App-bindings.ts is slightly different depending upon whether you are creating an EVM Stamp or a non-EVM Stamp.

What is an EVM Stamp?

Some Stamps rely upon the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) while some rely upon OAuth to determine ownership. If your Stamp represents some web3 native credential such as ownership of a digital asset (for example, ETH, some ERC20 token, NFT or POAP) or onchain activity (for example, certain transaction) that can be verified by querying the blockchain, then your Stamp is an EVM Stamp. If your Stamp relies on ownership of some web2 account that your users login to, then it is a non-EVM Stamp.

EVM Stamps

Copy the following code into the file, replacing <EXAMPLE> with your Stamp name. Note that for EVM Stamps the AppContext and ProviderPayload types are imported from "../types" and thePlatform class is imported from "../utils/platform".

The new Stamp is exported as a class extending the Platform class.

//App-bindings.ts - EVM
import \{ AppContext, ProviderPayload } from "../types";
import \{ Platform } from "../utils/platform";
export class <EXAMPLE> extends Platform \{
    platformId = "<EXAMPLE>";
    path = "<EXAMPLE>";
    clientId: string = null;
    redirectUri: string = null;
    isEVM = true;
    // if the Stamp requires extra information to be displayed to the user, add
    // here
    banner = \{
        "Your Stamp heading here"
    async getProviderPayload(appContext: AppContext): Promise<ProviderPayload> \{
        const result = await Promise.resolve(\{});
        return result;

Non-EVM Stamps

Copy the following code into the file, replacing <EXAMPLE> with your Stamp name. Note that for non-EVM Stamps the PlatformOptions type is imported from "../types" and the Platform class is imported from "../utils/platform".

The new Stamp is exported as a class extending the Platform class.

//App-bindings.ts - OAuth
import \{ PlatformOptions } from "../types";
import \{ Platform } from "../utils/platform";
export class <EXAMPLE> extends Platform \{
    platformId = "<EXAMPLE>";
    path = "<EXAMPLE>";
    clientId: string = null;
    redirectUri: string = null;
constructor(options: platformOptions = \{}) \{
    this.clientId = options.clientId as string;
    this.redirectUri = options.redirectUri as string;
async getOauthUrl(state: string): Promise<string> \{
    const <EXAMPLE>Url = await Promise.resolve(
        `<EXAMPLE> URL`
    return <EXAMPLE>Url;


Copy the following code into Providers-config.ts replacing <EXAMPLE> with your Stamp name. This file imports the PlatformSpec and PlatformGroupSpec from "../types" and exports the Stamp details and provider config data.

import \{ PlatformSpec, PlatformGroupSpec, Provider } from "../types";
import \{ <EXAMPLE>Provider } from <ProviderFile>
export const PlatformDetails: PlatformSpec = \{
    icon: "./assets/<EXAMPLE>StampIcon.svg",
    platform: "<EXAMPLE>",
    name: "<EXAMPLE>",
    description: "Description to user about how they're going to use the Stamp",
    connectMessage: "Connect Account",
export const ProviderConfig: PlatformGroupSpec[] = [
    platformGroup: "Name of the Stamp platform group",
    providers: [
        title: "Title of the provider",
        name: "<EXAMPLE>",
export const providers: Provider[] = [new <ProviderClass>()]


Copy and paste the following code into index.ts replacing <EXAMPLE> with your Stamp name. This code is used to export the providers, provider config data and app bindings.

export \{ <EXAMPLE>Platform } from "./App-Bindings";
export \{ ProviderConfig, PlatformDetails, providers } from "./Providers-config";
export \{ <EXAMPLE>Provider }


Remember your file name will not be "example.ts" - it will be your stamp name. Some existing examples include "google.ts", "EthErc20Possession.ts" and "github.ts"._

This is where the hard work is done, because it is in this file that you will define your custom verification logic. The code will vary between applications depending on precisely what information is being verified. The verification could include communication with API servers, blockchain nodes or RPC providers, smart contracts or other external resources. We can walk through an example here, but bear in mind that you will have to adapt to your specific use case.

Let's look at the Ethereum activity Stamp. This is an EVM Stamp that checks whether a user owns a certain threshold amount of ETH or ERC-20 tokens.

// EthErc20Possession.ts
// ----- Types
import type \{ Provider, ProviderOptions } from "../../types";
import type \{ RequestPayload, VerifiedPayload } from "@gitcoin/passport-types";
// ----- Ethers library
import \{ Contract } from "ethers";
import \{ formatUnits } from "@ethersproject/units";
// ----- RPC Getter
import \{ getRPCProvider } from "../../utils/signer";
Eth ERC20 Possession Provider can be used to check a greater than balance for ethereum or any other EVM token (ERC20).
By default this will verify the ethereum balance for the address in the parameter. To customize the
token set the contract_address or decimal number in the options passed to the class. The default decimal number for formatting
is 18.
// define ERC20 contract ABI here
// set the network rpc url based on env
export const RPC_URL = process.env.RPC_URL;
export async function getTokenBalance(
  address: string,
  tokenContractAddress: string,
  decimalNumber: number,
  payload: RequestPayload
): Promise<number> \{
  // define a provider using the rpc url
  const staticProvider = getRPCProvider(payload);
  // load Token contract
  const readContract = new Contract(tokenContractAddress, ERC20_ABI, staticProvider);
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
  const tokenBalance: string = await readContract?.balanceOf(address);
  const balanceFormatted: string = formatUnits(tokenBalance, decimalNumber);
  return parseFloat(balanceFormatted);
export async function getEthBalance(address: string, payload: RequestPayload): Promise<number> \{
  // define a provider using the rpc url
  const staticProvider = getRPCProvider(payload);
  const ethBalance = await staticProvider?.getBalance(address);
  // convert a currency unit from wei to ether
  const balanceFormatted: string = formatUnits(ethBalance, 18);
  return parseFloat(balanceFormatted);
export type ethErc20PossessionProviderOptions = \{
  threshold: number;
  recordAttribute: string;
  contractAddress: string;
  decimalNumber: number;
  error: string;
// Export an Eth ERC20 Possessions Provider. This is intended to be a generic implementation that should be extended
export class EthErc20PossessionProvider implements Provider \{
  // The type will be determined dynamically, from the options passed in to the constructor
  type = "";
  // Options can be set here and/or via the constructor
  _options: ethErc20PossessionProviderOptions = \{
    threshold: 1,
    recordAttribute: "",
    contractAddress: "",
    decimalNumber: 18,
    error: "Coin Possession Provider Error",
  // construct the provider instance with supplied options
  constructor(options: ProviderOptions = \{}) \{
    this._options = \{ ...this._options, ...options };
    this.type = `$\{this._options.recordAttribute}#$\{this._options.threshold}`;
  // verify that the proof object contains valid === "true"
  async verify(payload: RequestPayload): Promise<VerifiedPayload> \{
    const \{ address } = payload;
    let valid = false;
    let amount = 0;
    try \{
      if (this._options.contractAddress.length > 0) \{
        amount = await getTokenBalance(address, this._options.contractAddress, this._options.decimalNumber, payload);
      } else \{
        amount = await getEthBalance(address, payload);
    } catch (e) \{
      return \{
        valid: false,
        error: [this._options.error],
    } finally \{
      valid = amount >= this._options.threshold;
    return \{
      record: valid
        ? \{
            // store the address into the proof records
            [this._options.recordAttribute]: `$\{this._options.threshold}`,
        : \{},

There is a lot going on in this file, but we can break it down to make it easier to digest. The first thing to notice is that this contract requires information from the Ethereum blockchain, which requires access to a node or an RPC (remote procedure call (opens in a new tab)) provider - these enable requests to be made to Ethereum, roughly equivalent to getting access to an API server in the Web2 world. In the code above, the following line instantiates an RPC provider.

// set the network rpc url based on env
export const RPC_URL = process.env.RPC_URL;

This grabs an RPC endpoint from the environment variables. You can set this to your own node's RPC or use a third party RPC service. Either way, this is your code's entry point to the Ethereum network. This step is common to any verification method that relies on Ethereum blockchain data.

Next there are two function definitions: getEthBalance() and getTokenBalance(). The getEthBalance() function calls the getBalance() function, which is part of the standard Ethereum JSON-RPC API (opens in a new tab), passing the user's address. The amount of ETH they own is returned.

The getTokenBalance() function is slightly more complicated because it interacts with a smart contract rather than using the result of a JSON-RPC API request directly. Instead of token accounts and balances being stored directly in Ethereum's state trie, they are stored in the contract's storage. The values are accessed using contract functions, rather than using the JSON-RPC API directly.

The ERC-20 token contract includes a function balanceOf() that returns the token balance for a given address. This function is common to all contracts that conform to the ERC-20 token standard. It is also necessary to specify which specific token you are interested, by providing the contract address. This is why getEthBalance() only takes the user address as an argument, whereas getTokenBalance() also takes a contract address (and a decimal number which is used to ensure the correct precision for token balances).

Both functions take a requestPayload (opens in a new tab) argument that is used to pass user-defined values from the client into the verification logic.

Every Stamp has to have a verify() function that returns a boolean (true/false) indicating whether or not the verification was successful and some proof details. In this example, the verify() function is quite simple. It checks whether a contract address has been provided. If so, it calls getTokenBalance() and assigns the return value to amount. If no contract address was provided, it calls getEthBalance()instead and assigns that return value to amount. The value of amount is then compared to the user-defined threshold. If amount exceeds the threshold then the verification is successful, valid is set to true and verify() returns the user address along with some basic details about the verification (name and threshold value). Otherwise, verify() returns an empty object.

For a new Stamp, you will need to extend the logic explained here to your precise use case. For EVM Stamps you will likely have some specific contract to call that may or may not conform to the ERC-20 standard. For non-EVM Stamps you probably want to make API calls to some server for verification information instead of interacting with Ethereum. You can browse the verification logic for all the existing EVM and non-EVM Stamps on the Passport Github repository.


This is where you will add tests for your verification logic. Precisely how the tests are organized is up to you, as the tests will be specific to the individual Stamp. A standard pattern is to mock endpoints that return a range of responses that could be expected from your real external server and design tests to ensure your verification logic handles them all well. You should mock all possible responses to ensure complete test coverage.

As an example, see the tests for the ETH transaction credential (opens in a new tab).

3. Update existing files

You have now created all the new files you need to create a new Stamp. The remaining steps all focus on pulling the new information you created into the existing Passport infrastructure, so that Passport can recognize and handle your new Stamp.

You will need to navigate up a level, out of your newly created files and into platforms/src to find the relevant files to update.


First, you will need to import the newly created platforms from the folders you just created, and export the instances from a single central location. platforms/src/platforms.ts acts as that central location. This file already contains the relevant code for the existing platforms, so you just need to follow the syntax for adding your own. The code snippet below shows what code you need to add. Just bear in mind that many lines of code referring to existing platforms have been removed from this example for clarity - your real file will have much more code in it!

Remember to replace EXAMPLE with your platform name!

import * as Twitter from "./Twitter";
import * as Ens from "./Ens";
import * as <EXAMPLE> from "./<EXAMPLE>";
// Order of this array determines order in the Passport UI
const platforms: Record<string, PlatformConfig> = \{
export default platforms;

Next navigate into types. The file you need to update is types/src/index.d.ts. You will add the new Stamp's Platform ID and Provider ID to the bottom of their respective union types (PLATFORM_ID and PROVIDER_ID).

export type PLATFORM_ID =
| "Google"
| "Ens"
| "<EXAMPLE>";
export type PROVIDER_ID =
| "Twitter"
| "TwitterTweetGT10"
| "<EXAMPLE>";


In this file you will import the Stamp from @gitcoin/passport-platforms again. Then create and add the Stamp to the platforms map by adding it to the bottom of the existing list of platforms.

import \{
} = stampPlatforms;
export const platforms = new Map<PLATFORM_ID, PlatformProps>();
platforms.set("<EXAMPLE>", \{
platform: new <EXAMPLE>.<EXAMPLE>Platform() \,
platformGroupSpec: <EXAMPLE>.ProviderConfig,

The final thing to do in the app package is to save a copy of your Stamp's icon, in .svg format, to the app/public/assets directory.

The rest of the files only need to be updated if your app has new environment variables that need to be added to the infrastructure, app or iam packages. If, for example, your Stamp can be verified using the Etherscan or Alchemy keys that are already made available through Passport, then you can skip straight past these updates.

The next few files to update live in the app package:


First, add the new Stamp's client ID, callback URL and any other environment variables that are necessary for your new Stamp to .env-example.env. This is an example file that contains dummy variables to avoid exposing sensitive data on the public Github repository. Please DO NOT add any real values to .env-example.env or they will be exposed publicly! Add the relevant fields for your new Stamp and then add DUMMY values that are not the same as your real values!



Now add the real values for your Stamp's environment variables to your local .env file.


Net we will update some files in the iam package. This is where the IAM authority is configured which is responsible for issuing verifiableCredentials. These verifiable credentials are issued based on a successful response from the verify() function for each Stamp. You defined your verification logic in a verify() function in this earlier step.

All you need to do in the iam package is update the environment variables so that the necessary data for your Stamp is available. In the next section we will configure the infra package so that these environment variables, and those created earlier, are instantiated and provided as context to a remote server responsible for doing the actual Stamp issuance.


Add your dummy environment variables to .env-example.env.



Add your real environment variables to .env.


Now we can leave the iam package and update a few files in the infra package. This is where we configure the remote server to issue Stamps based on your Stamp details and verification logic.


Here you will add secrets objects for each of the environment variables you added to your .env files. This allows your secrets to be transmitted securely to the remote server so your Stamp verification logic can be executed without having to expose any keys or other sensitive information on the public repository.

In this file you will find an instance of the Fargate service assigned to the variable service . In there, you will find an array named secrets nested inside several other objects. You need to add a secrets object to this array for each of your environment variables.

const service = new awsx.ecs.FargateService("dpopp-iam", \{
  taskDefinitionArgs: \{
    containers: \{
      iam: \{
      secrets: [
          name: " <EXAMPLE>_CLIENT_ID ",
          name: " <EXAMPLE>_CLIENT_SECRET ",
          name: " <EXAMPLE>_CALLBACK ",

This step should then be repeated identically for the staging and production versions of this file. To be clear, update infra/staging/index.tsand infra/production/index.ts in exactly the same way as you just updated infra/review/index.ts.

4. Further customization

You may need additional procedures for your Stamp. You can create a procedures folder inside of the Stamp folder to hold any additional verification, auth, etc. you may need. Every Stamp is slightly different and will require different materials in order to function correctly - since the design space is so large, it's up to you to know what you need for your specific purpose!

5. Build and run the services

You will need to have Node (v16 LTS) (opens in a new tab), Yarn (opens in a new tab) and Git (opens in a new tab) installed in order to follow these steps.

Now you have updated your local copy of the Passport XYZ repository, you can build and run it. You can do this by navigating to the top level project directory (passport) and running:

npm install --global lerna
lerna init
lerna bootstrap

Next, you can start the iam app and ceramic services concurrently. This step will only work if you have created your environment variables as explained in the previous steps on this page.

yarn start

6. Raise a Pull Request

Finally, having seen your app running successfully, you can raise a pull request against the Passport XYZ GitHub repository. This will make the changes you have made to support your app part of the canonical public Stamp repository. However, before this happens your changes will be reviewed by the Passport team who may request changes.

When you raise a pull request, it is important to include the following checklist. This helps you to verify that all the necessary steps have been taken to create your Stamp, and also helps the reviewers of the pull request check your work and merge it faster.

## Stamp Provider <provider name here>

- [ ] The Stamp provider name is globally unique (and should not have been used previously). This is because the provider name will be included in the record used  to create the Stamp hash:
- [ ] The implementation has been unit tested
- [ ] Verification payload
    valid: true / false,
    record: \{
       ... // Unique payload identifying user
<strong>- [ ] The attribute `valid` is false if the Stamp verification fails
</strong>- [ ] The record must contain the following attributes:
    - 1 or more attributes uniquely identifying the user:
        - An ETH address - it should always be lower case (not checksummed)
        - An email (in case of Google for example)
        - The users unique ID (like for Facebook, Twitter, Github)        
- [ ] The payload should never contain a field named `pii`
    - This field is reserved for internal use

You can use the code snippet above as a template - copy and paste it into your pull request and tick the boxes to show that each item has been completed.

The following is an example of a pull request that uses a similar checklist: Integrate Phi Stamp in Passport (opens in a new tab)

7. Note on context and cache

It is important to understand the difference between context and cache, and for you to use them appropriately when developing your Stamp. They both refer to holding information in memory.

Context is used to pass the results of expensive operations performed during the verification process for a specific Stamp between calls to verify within each provider. This is the expected way for Stamps to handle their data.

Context should be used wherever possible, in preference to using the cache.

The cache exists to support unusual or complex authentication mechanisms that cannot work within thecontext logic. The cache is used to store data between multiple HTTP requests, for example if data stored in the App-bindings request needs to be referenced in a /verify request. This may occur when objects need to be shared across multiple Providers. In this case, the caching must be done using the caching mechanism defined in platforms/src/utils/cache.ts.

If the cache is used, its payload should be moved to context and then the cache should be explicitly cleared.

The following example shows the cache mechanism being used correctly.

const loadTwitterCache = (token: string): TwitterCache => loadCacheSession(token, "Twitter");
// retrieve the instantiated Client shared between Providers
export const getAuthClient = async (sessionKey: string, code: string, context: TwitterContext): Promise<Client> => \{
  if (!context.twitter?.authClient) \{
    const session = loadTwitterCache(sessionKey);
    const \{ oauthUser } = session;
    if (!context.twitter) context.twitter = \{};
    context.twitter.authClient = new Client(oauthUser);
    clearCacheSession(sessionKey, "Twitter");
  return context.twitter.authClient;

8. See some examples

It might be helpful to look at some past examples of pull requests that add Stamps to the Passport GitHub repository. Browse the examples below to see exactly how others have gone about it:

You can also ask questions in our developer support channel on Telegram (opens in a new tab).